Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Power connectors, C13 vs C15. KNOW THE DIFFERENCE

My go-to grey market vendor that many of you have probably heard of and maybe even use has mixed them up for the second time since I started working with them and at a very inopportune time. The cables have such a subtle difference that the uninformed can easily mix them up during packaging. The C13 is the common "computer" power cable we all think of when we look at devices with built-in rectifiers. The C15 is the variation with a notch that fits into higher wattage power supplies. It's supposed to be for higher temperature environments, presumably so there is more surface area on the connector to keep it seated during thermal expansion and contraction.

I won't name them because it's humiliating and they've committed to making sure it never happens again, but don't let this bite you at an inconvenient time like it did for me and cause unnecessary stress. Know the difference and what devices require it. Stock it if you can. And make sure your vendor knows the difference too.

Image for those who need a visual:

Yes, you CAN just carve up a C13 with a knife/soldering iron and make the notch yourself, but why go through the unnecessary risk to your body and your infrastructure.


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