Thursday, December 13, 2018

ASR 1006 vs. Juniper MX204

I'm struggling with a decision. I posted a question a while back asking for a recommendation for a 100G capable core router. A few of you replied with the Juniper MX204. As far as physical ports go, the MX204 more than covers what we need. The overall throughput is also way more than we need. The struggle I'm having is that nobody in our space (K-12 education) and anywhere near us uses anything but Cisco for routers. I'm not against going rogue, but I do like that I can call up pretty much any large school district and see what they are doing in the Cisco world.

The Juniper is 1U, which I love, but doesn't have all the redundancy options like the 1006. Otherwise it appears to have all the features we need. We're doing simple static routing, so all the advanced routing stuff isn't really a consideration. We do need something that can handle a good amount of policy based routing as we have a couple different traffic paths that go through and around some web filtering appliances. We also want something that does traffic shaping well so we gracefully limit the rate of traffic heading to our sites as not to oversubscribe their circuits.

Someone that's used both Cisco and Juniper, if cost wasn't a factor, what would you choose and why? Also, if you are a Cisco ASR person and have used their firewall service on an ASR, I'd like to know how it works. We're considering licensing that as part of this project to get application level visibility on traffic running through our core.


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