Saturday, October 20, 2018

Cellular network impact from sudden influxes of new devices?

So, I've read a lot about how cell carriers deal with traffic during large sporting events. However, I had a shower thought this morning about the recent influx of IoT devices with cellular connectivity.

For example, thanks to the recent dockless scooter craze, my city has had somewhere around 3,000 scooters with cellular connectivity dropped on it. Another example would be something like how Samsung new sells a smart things tracker that has built in cellular. Or perhaps all the new cellular connected vehicles rolling around out there.

Obviously carriers have spent a lot of time and money deploying microcells. Is there a looming issue with the overall RF environment being saturated with the constant pings / re-auths of these devices?

This is just one of those things that really intrigues me and I'd like to learn more about the deep technical inter-workings of how it's all managed to keep the cell networks working. If anyone has an interesting article to read about this, I'd love to see it!


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