Wednesday, September 5, 2018

vendor invoice management and approval

good morning-

I run an ISP/NSP that is part of a larger company that also provides cloud, proserv and managed services.

I mention that first because it means I'm somewhat wedged into using certain software, and using outboard stuff is an uphill battle.

My business unit provides traditional NSP type stuff: DIA, MPLS, L2 services. We have some of our own fiber, but most of our work is done via NNIs (about 40) as well as some "managed broadband" stuff (where we hold paper on normal broadband circuits, coax, DSL, etc). We also do managed firewalls (which we couple with managed broadband).

The company uses Connectwise and it's not going anywhere. The company also uses ITGlue, Sharefile and Sharepoint, and it's unlikely they are going anywhere. My group uses Solarwinds Orion NPM.

My challenge is invoice approvals and linking vendor account info back to our own records of service delivery. We get about 300 invoices a month.

I'm looking for a scheme whereby I establish cannonical storage of the invoices that also me to associate arbitrary attributes to the invoices (like, linking to structured account info) as well as received dates, paid dates, approval status, and so on.

One feature of this scheme would be that if an invoice (and it's various dollar amounts) is linked to revenue, and the revenue and supporting agreement is not changed from the previous month, it would be approved without much (if any) human effort. The back office could do this without my team's involvement.

There's other stuff too - like my support staff being able to quickly drill into an invoice for a delivered services (going from monitored element in Solarwinds, our Agreement with the customer, and then to the structred account info, and then into spefici invoices if more details is needed).

Or, if we want to do a cost drive-down, we can select all the accounts/invoice based on various attributes and focus on them.

Etc etc.

Just looking for some tool/process ideas from y'all.


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