Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Mode Conditioning Patch Cables on Mixed SM/MM Runs

I read that the maximum length of a mode conditioned patch cable run is 550m over MM fibre. But is that the amount of just the MM run or the total run, including any SM portions.

Here's the situation. I'm trying to connect a building that is at the end of a ~440m OM2 (50um) MM fibre run (see ASCII art at bottom). However, the other end of the OM2 run is a "fibre hut" that then has a further ~1km SM run to the main telecom facility (where my core campus routers/switches are). Since the OM2 run is under the 550m limit I expect the mode-conditioned cable to work fine to the hut, however, if that's at the end of a longer SM run, I'm not certain it will work. I've used conditioning cables in the past but always on a pure MM run, never a mixed run like this.

How can I determine if this setup is likely to work?

ASCII art:

Main Telecom Room (MDF) Core Switch ---> ~1km Single mode fibre ---> Mode conditioned cable ---> 440m OM2 fibre ---> Building's distribution (IDF) switch

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