Friday, July 27, 2018

Not sure if stupidity or genius

I discovered that a customer's entire network camera system is using the IP scheme 169.254.x.y..

It's a big site with probably over 100 cameras plus the video servers. I'm assuming that the installer used the default no connection IP when they connected the server since there's no DHCP. Even the cameras have a default 192 IP, so they would have been hardcoded each camera that way too.

Sure, if someone plugs into the network, they're not going to realize that they could potentially connect to and access any of the cameras or servers but I would think this could potentially cause random network issues for the cameras. If a device is connected, it could assign itself to any of the used IP addresses and cause a dupe IP issue.

I've never seen this assignment anywhere else, so surely this can't be something that's regularly done.

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