Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Just a shot in the dark...

I know ya'll don't work much with home networking, but there doesn't seem to be anyone on home networking with the knowledge that I need. So.. I'm giving it a shot in here.

Basically, I have 3 goals, in this order:

  1. Adult Content filtering
  2. Security
  3. Privacy

I'm not hiding from the FBI or anything, so by privacy I just mean that when I log-in to Starbucks wifi, no one is able to see who I am or what I'm doing, or obviously, see my passwords.

By security, I mean phishing/antivirus/malware/etc. A lot like the protection that OpenDNS or Untangle offers.

The "kicker" here, is that I'd like to have that on all my families devices, whether we are home or away. So.... My thoughts so far would be:

  1. pfsense router
  2. OpenDNS? Untangle? Sophos UTM?
  3. VPN

What I'm not sure of (I'm really not sure of any of this) is if any of that would be redundant? I'm not concerned about paying several hundred dollars for business equipment/licenses. I just want to accomplish this.

Assuming my question can make the cut, I'll be monitoring this closely to answer any questions so I can clarify things... I'd really appreciate any advice I can get!

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