Friday, April 27, 2018

Arista EOS Help

Hey folks,

I'm learning Arista (on my own dime) and was able to get my hands on a pair of Arista DCS-7050T-52. I want to MLAG these together and treat them as a single logical switch with, LACP across them for my Hypervisors similar to how I do it with my Cisco switches.

The issue is that one of the switches has EOS 4.10 and the other has EOS 4.17.

After a bit of reading, I couldn't find the answer to a few things... 1) Can I copy the firmware from one switch to the other? 2) Could I break things by trying to MLAG these with such different versions? 3) Is there a way to get the latest 4.18.x EOS for these to make them match and have the latest supported by this EOL gear?

My prefered option would be to get the newest EOS for these so that I can test all of the latest features and have all of the latest bug fixes.

But that would require a good samaritan that would already have this downloaded, or a valid subscription to download it.

Any assistance is much appreciated.



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