Friday, March 30, 2018

Cisco router for 350Mbps Internet?

Hi all, need some advice please!

We recently upgraded our VirginMedia service from 152Mpbs to 350Mpbs (with static IPs and SLA). We go through a Cisco892 ISR, so we can use WAN failover (to an old ADSL line) and other features. I used to get 152Mbps fine with our old connection, but since the upgrade it's actually slower (100Mbps max download on speed-tests). When I connect directly to the Virgin router I get nearly 400Mbps, so clearly the problem is with our Cisco configuration. I found that by removing IPS from the WAN interface, it now maxes out at about 180Mbps, so nearly a 100% increase. I've determined that the general issue is that I'm maxing out the capability of the CPU on the Cisco router. Doing a "show processes cpu history" command in the CLI confirms that it is indeed struggling.

A few questions:

  1. Why is the relatively-expensive Cisco892 router so much slower than the relatively-cheap Virgin router? I assume this is because the Cisco box is doing everything through the processor and offering more services/inspection at the cost of performance?

  2. Is there a quick-fire solution to improving this speed, i.e. anything else I can disable on the router? The only things I'm using now that could be using CPU is the general firewall (access-group in) and the SLA for failover so I don't think there is...

  3. What would be a good upgrade for my situation? I want to stick with Cisco preferably. Something that's going to do 400Mbps without killing the CPU, but not too overkill!

Many thanks in advance!

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