Friday, January 19, 2018

Network question for novice.

Hell everyone,

Short back story, I work for a large ISP as a front line sales person and I formerly had a lot of technical support. There was a corporate restructure and my title and role has changed. I am now responsible for selling network solutions and all of the technical support is now gone.

I have tried finding a good explain like I am five on this subject but have been unsuccessful. The internal training resources are also dismal at best. I have a question that i am embarrassed to ask a colleague as everyone on my team is new to me.

What is the difference between port and access? For example, I am being asked to quote

100Mb Port/1Gb access burstable.

Is the 100mb the speed or is the 1gb the speed? Or are these even speeds at all? I am completely lost here and would really appreciate a very simple explanation. I am one week into this role and I am really trying to understand it but I don’t know where to even start. I should also mention that I currently do not even have a manager to point me in the right direction.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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