Friday, December 22, 2017

What exactly is a 'virtual WiFi access point'?

Recently I've come across the notion of 'virtual WiFi AP'. For examples contexts in which this notion came up, please refer to these pointers: [1],[2],[3] (references from Cisco, Aruba networks, etc.).

I'm a bit confused about what virtual APs actually are.

My questions are:

  • What exactly is a virtual AP?
  • Are there multiple ways of implementing a virtual WiFi AP? Which? What do they consist in?

For example, I suspect that one way to create virtual APs is configuring the WiFi daemon with multiple SSIDs (e.g. hostapd as explained in this guide).

Are there other ways, besides daemon configurations? E.g. based on virtualization, which would allow the state of an AP (e.g. current connections, crypto material like PMKs, etc.) to be 'migrated' between physical devices, like virtual machines?

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