Saturday, December 2, 2017

[Troubleshooting] Is there a protocol that reports hostname, switchport, IP address, and MAC address for end user devices?

Long time lurker, first time poster.

I've been browsing this subreddit for a good while after it randomly showed up on my front page. I started reading posts thinking I knew stuff about networking, only to find posts referring to protocols and procedures I'd never even heard of. After that point, I realized I don't know jack about networking, and started working towards CCNA.

For my work one of the biggest pains is the constant documentation. Not circuit diagrams, but making sure we know exactly where each end user device is, what switchport its on, what IP is assigned to it, so on and so forth. So anytime an end user device changes we have to update the following:

A) Switchport Description

B) Hostname to IP excel spreadsheet

C) Inventory sheet with hostname, IP, MAC, location, user, ETC.

D) Site map

What I'm looking for is a protocol or methodology to automatically spit out a text sheet that has reports the current device hostname, IP address, switchport, and MAC.

Heres what I've researched so far:

1) Using multiple excel spreadsheets to match each one manually.

2) Solarwinds Kiwicat tools (doesn't poll hostname data, only switchport descriptions)

3) Cisco commands

4) Installing CDP on our windows workstations

5) Utilizing SNMP to gather the data and exporting it, but SNMP doesn't report that data from what I found

I don't know if this protocol or procedure even exists, but I'm really hoping one of you has heard of something, or can offer some advice.

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