Saturday, December 2, 2017

Cisco rv345 fiber?

A friend of mine is helping a small town with the network for their police department. The town forgot to make budget for IT, so they don't have any funds to hire an actual network engineer, and they have no IT staff.

The town also doesn't really know anything about their setup, so unfortunately they haven't been very helpful.

Their WAN connection comes in to the building with 2 fiber connections that run into a small Trendnet box, it looks like a converter to me, unfortunately I don't have the model number. It has 2 ports for the fiber and an Ethernet out that runs to a Cisco rv345.

Something seems to be killing the connection between the Trendnet box and the Cisco router. Network connection is fine, but the internet keeps going down, cycling power on the Trendnet brings it back, but it goes down about an hour later.

I'm not really familiar with fiber. Can we get rid of the Trendnet and run the fiber directly into the Cisco rv345 with a port mod? Or should we replace the Trendnet box with something similar?

My thoughts here are that either the Trendnet box is bad or traffic on the network is overwhelming it (there shouldn't be that much traffic though.)

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