Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Planning on taking my Network+ next month, few questions

  1. Can I bring my own calculator for the subnetting portion of the exam?
  2. How much of the exam (round about) do you think is going to be written as opposed to multiple choice? I have not taken any practice exams yet but I've been doing practice questions in each chapter in my network+ textbook + CBTNuggets for the past 3 weeks.
  3. After I crush this exam I plan on taking Security+ and then working on a more advanced Networking Cert, where should I head? (I have very little Cisco experience) Should I bother taking my CCNA?
  4. I already work in the IT industry, I've been doing desktop support & sysadmin related work for a few years now. Just seems that to get into those higher salaries and positions I need more paperwork other than just a degree...

Thank you in advance,

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